Darril Beninger is an investment funds advisor for Manulife Securities and an insurance sales specialist. He has been in the business since 1986, and with his wife by his side they were able to build Kootenay Valley Financial Services into a successful and very locally involved business located in the historic town of Nelson, BC. While growing their business and family Darril has been not only involved with local charities, he has volunteered countless hours to numerous organization such as, minor hockey, selkirk college, and habitat for humanity. But some where along the line he felt like doing more, he wanted to give back to children that had similar pasts and troubled child hoods like himself growing up in a household where abuse was normal for him and his siblings. He didn’t have to look to far, his oldest son was working in Peru with numerous orphanages, and in 2005 Darril and his whole family decided to visit and see with their own eyes some of the problems the children of Peru were facing on a daily basis. From there he decided that this is where he wanted to help financially and emotionally. And for the past 10 years Darril has been the glue keeping The Pura Vida Foundation and Shelter running and helping it to reach out to more children each year. Not only is he an original founder but he has donated thousands of dollars each year to see The Pura Vida Shelter help more young children off the streets of Peru. And in 2013 he donated enough money so the foundation could buy a piece of land for their future facility that can house and rehabilitate up to 50 young girls. His passion and want to see change in this world is what makes him the person he his. They might call him a business man but underneath his suit and tie there is a man who wants to help these children out from under the rock he also came from. http://kvfs.ca